
Delivering swift and efficient customization for every job, we tailor metal components to meet the unique needs of our customers.

Our Metal Fabrication Shop
for Custom Roofing Solutions

Tridom Roofing has taken a significant step in enhancing its capabilities by inaugurating a metal shop at our San Antonio locationRather than relying on external suppliers, our decision to establish an in-house Metal Fabrication Shop empowers us to swiftly and efficiently customize metal components for each job, addressing the specific needs of all our locations. This expansion was prompted by the ongoing requirements of both our residential and commercial divisions, which annually demands a substantial quantity of custom metal products.

Our skilled metal specialists work in a dedicated facility, expertly fabricating a variety of standard and custom metal components such as flashings, valleys, parapets, crickets, and chimney caps. These essential pieces, including key gutter components like downspouts and gutter guards, are crafted from durable metals like aluminum and steel. Remarkably, most of these components are produced within a single day, showcasing Tridom Roofing’s commitment to providing timely and tailored solutions for our clients. Dedicated to exceeding expectations on every project, we deliver superior results through a proactive and client-centric approach.

As your dedicated roofing experts, our Metal Fabrication Shop embodies the synergy of precision and innovation. Going beyond the use of off-the-shelf parts, we take pride in crafting essential components internally. This approach ensures a tailored solution for your roofing needs, enhancing efficiency in repairs, installations, and other roofing services.

Trust Tridom Roofing to elevate your roofing experience with our in-house metal fabrication expertise. This integration of precision and innovation stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence, providing you with roofing solutions that go above and beyond industry standards.

Our Work



Before & After

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Before and After Commercial Roof
In progress commercial roof replacement
In progress commercial roof replacement
In progress
Completed commercial roof replacement
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In progress commercial roof with rooftop patio in Austin Texas
Completed commercial roof with rooftop patio
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Commercial Metal Roof
Commercial roof and wall replacement in progress
Commercial roof and wall replacement in progress
In progress
Commercial roof and wall replacement completed
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Composition siding shingles in progress
Composite shingle install in progress on apartment complex
In progress
Composition siding shingles completed
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Historic Tower Renovation
In progress shingles on historic brick tower
In progress shingles on historic brick tower
In progress
Completed shingles on historic brick tower
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Residential Red Brick Tile
In progress clay tile roofing on residence
Completed clay tile roofing on residence
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